Volunteer Taster Programme

Elevate has announced its next Volunteer Taster Programme with Volunteer Glasgow. This course gives participants the opportunity to participate in a 10 session programme (1 session at 2.5 hours per week) where they can discover and access various volunteering opportunities. Volunteer Glasgow provide ‘taster sessions’ where someone can try out a volunteering role with their support. In addition, the participant will also gain a recognised qualification in The SQA Employability Award, which gives the knowledge on how to gain and sustain future employment.
The next course starts Monday 2nd October 2017 and will run for 10 weeks.
Eligibility for Elevate:

  • Glasgow resident
  • Unemployed
  • In recovery from alcohol and/or drugs

If you have anyone interested in the course please refer them to Elevate or speak to one of the Elevate Project Team on 0141 353 1800 or elevate@glasgowcouncilonalcohol.org
